5 Underrated Things to be Grateful For

Happy Thanksgiving Eve! In honor of the holiday, I wanted to highlight some things that we can all be grateful for, particularly those that are often overlooked. There are some common stock answers to the question, “what are you grateful for?”. Family, friends, other loved ones, good health, happiness, passions, favorite things (ex: foods, music, movies, etc.). These are all completely valid answers that deserve our gratitude. They shouldn’t be taken for granted, as they make life better and brighter. However, if you’re looking for a more out-of-the-box answer to that question that can expand your appreciation for your life, look no further!

1- The fact that you can change your life for the better at any time

For as long as you’re living, it’s never too late to do things differently, in better alignment with what you want. While big changes typically take time, even the small changes can make a big difference in the way you feel. As stuck as you may feel right now, the ability to take constructive action is always at your fingertips. Of course there are plenty of things outside of your control, but you also hold more power than you might realize. So, here’s your reminder to take advantage of it!

2- The endless possibilities that lie ahead of you

No matter how long you’ve lived, the fact that you’re still living means that you still have life left to live. That may sound redundant (lol), but it’s just another way of saying that there are important reasons why you’re still here. Those reasons can include new connections you’re meant to form, existing connections you’re meant to strengthen, old connections you’re meant to rekindle, things you’re meant to accomplish, experiences you’re meant to have, etc. It’s just a matter of remaining open to what life has to offer you, as well as what you can offer the world. Let this concept excite you and renew your appreciation for your life!

3- Your ability to feel and experience so much

Life may come with difficult feelings and experiences, but it also comes with so many beautiful ones. There’s even beauty to be found in the hard times, as they facilitate growth and deepen your appreciation for the good times. Though there may be times you wish you didn’t have to feel so much (i.e. times of pain, sadness, anxiety, etc.), sometimes all it takes is one incredible experience to make all those feelings worth it. For example, if you knew your toughest failures would be necessary to lead you to your greatest successes, you’d probably go through them a lot more willingly. The frustration you endured from those discouraging experiences may serve to strengthen your appreciation for the experiences that bring you the most pride and joy. So, embrace even the hard feelings, for they will lead you to the magical ones.

4- The fact that you’re the only one of your exact kind

No two people are exactly alike, meaning that no one is exactly like you! There are plenty of people out there with similar characteristics to you, but none of them could ever be you. That makes you irreplaceable to all the people and ventures you’ve made your mark on. Instead of trying to wish away your quirks or unique traits, realize that they make you who you are. The things that make you, you, are the things that people in your life love about you. Here’s your sign to be grateful for them too!

5- The power of your mindset

To circle back to the power you hold, as discussed in #1, your mindset can be one of your greatest superpowers. If you look at life in a positive way, you’re more likely to create positive outcomes for yourself. This certainly doesn’t mean you have to be in a great headspace all the time (no one is!). It also doesn’t mean that having a positive mindset makes you immune to negative experiences (again, no one is!). It just means that your overarching outlook on life, and on yourself, is healthy and constructive, which can enhance your quality of life.

Your life could be very far from perfect, yet your mindset could aid you tremendously in being resilient and finding good things in unexpected places. Even if you’re still working on bettering your mindset, the fact that you can better it is a blessing within itself. Be patient with yourself, and lean on the resources that help you the most (hopefully including this blog)!

The bottom line…

When practicing gratitude, of course the cliché answers are worth extending that gratitude to. After all, they’re cliché because of how important they are in our lives. However, hopefully this list gave you a broader perspective on where your gratitude can flow. These examples may be more abstract than the most common ones, but by drawing your attention to them, they might just inspire you to act on them, creating concrete results. Gratitude that prompts you to act on it is pretty powerful if you ask me! May you feel grateful for these gifts this Thanksgiving and beyond!






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